Pour acceder a la console Commande : " ² "
Toujours mettre un slach " / " pour commencer.
/rcon login [RCONPASSWORD]
Se connecter en temps que Admin.
/rcon serverinfo
Montrer les info du serveur.
/rcon say
Permet de parler en temps que Console.
Map Commands
/rcon map mapname
Mettre une map spécifique.
/rcon map_rotate
Passer a la map suivante.
/rcon map_restart
Recommencer la map a zero.
/rcon fast_restart
Redémarrage rapide.
Kick/Ban Commands
/rcon kick [NAME]
Kicks a player by name from the server. (Must include Color Codes)
/rcon kick all
Kicks all players from the server.
/rcon onlykick [NAME]
Kicks a player by name from the server. (Does not need Color Codes)
/rcon onlykick all
Kicks all players from the server.
/rcon clientkick [ID]
Kicks a player by client id from the server.
/rcon banUser [NAME]
Bans a user by their ingame name. Writes their GUID to ban.txt
/rcon banClient [ID]
Bans a user by their client number. Writes their GUID to ban.txt
/rcon tempBanUser [NAME]
Kicks and temporarily bans player by name from server.
/rcon tempBanClient [ID]
Kicks and temporarily bans player by client id from server
/rcon unbanuser [NAME]
Unban every player banned with [name]. If you want to unban a single player whose name appears more than once, you should edit "ban.txt" manually.
These commands are meant to be used from the in game console. To bring this up, press the ~ key on your keyboard. If you are using a third party rcon tool, you can leave off the '/rcon' from the beginning of the command.
Before you execute any rcon command, you must use the following: (Replace yourpassword with the rcon password to your server)
/rcon login yourpassword
To get a list of players connected to your server, use the following command:
/rcon teamstatus
The player numbers returned from the above command can be used as the client ID in the below commands. This is handy if a players name contains characters you cannot type.
Player commands:
/rcon kick (username) (optional reason)
/rcon clientkick (client ID)
/rcon tempbanuser (username)
/rcon tempbanclient (client ID)
/rcon banuser (username)
/rcon banclient (client ID)
General commands
/rcon say (message)
/rcon playlist - shows available playlists
Configuration Settings:
/rcon setadmindvar sv_hostname (new hostname)
/rcon setadmindvar sv_maxPing (new maximum ping)
/rcon setadmindvar sv_minPing (new minimum ping)
/rcon setadmindvar playlist (new playlist number)
/rcon setadmindvar sv_mapRotation "gametype tdm map mp_array map mp_cairo ... " (replace tdm and map names as you like)
/rcon setadmindvar scr_motd "Message of the day!"
You can change a number of settings related to gameplay by using the setadmindvar command. For a full list of available varaibles, see the 'default.cfg' file that comes with the official rcon client. The general syntax to change a variable is:
/rcon setadmindvar variable_name new_value
/rcon map (map_name)
Map names are:
mp_Firing Range
mp_Russian Base
/rcon map_rotate (move to next map)