Author Topic: Réglage serveur commando Kieffer Battlefield 4 HC  (Read 660 times)


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Réglage serveur commando Kieffer Battlefield 4 HC
« on: November 03, 2013, 01:36:04 am »
Réglage serveur actuel :

# This file is to be editable by the server administrator.
# It can contain any remote administration commands that are to be run during game server startup.

# Your choices here are offical, ranked, unranked, private
# # Offical servers will not allow you to change many configuration settings,
# # but will get quick play players
# # Ranked servers will allow you to change more configuration settings then
# # offical servers, but will not get quick play players
# # Unranked/private will allow you to change even more configuration settings
vars.serverType "Ranked"

vars.serverName "[FR] Commando Kieffer - Tactical Realism - HC"
admin.password "1075444"
vars.gamePassword ""
vars.servermessage "Serveur du Commando Kieffer - Recrutement [ON]"
vars.serverDescription "Serveur du Commando Kieffer - Recrutement [ON]"


# Server Presets: Either Normal or Hardcore, Not setting this and changing a setting below will set the server to Custom, this is however still Ranked
vars.preset "Hardcore"
# Server Type - Offical, Ranked, Unranked or Private
vars.serverType "Ranked"
# If you set your server to official, you should uncomment this
#vars.mpExperience "CQCLASSIC"
# Auto balance the teams? (true/false)
vars.AutoBalance "true"
# Allow Commanders
# vars.commander "false"
# How many players to start the round (int)
vars.roundStartPlayerCount "0"
# Minimum players before a current around aborts (int)
vars.roundRestartPlayerCount "2"
# Friendly fire enabled? (true/false)
vars.friendlyFire "true"
# Regenerate injured soldiers health (true/false)
vars.regenerateHealth "false"
# Show a snapshot of the kill after death (true/false)
vars.killCam "false"
# Enable the minimap in-game (true/false)
vars.miniMap "true"
# When enabled, displays the HUD (true/false)
vars.hud "false"
# Show the cross hair on screen (true/false)
vars.crossHair "false"
# when set, spotted targets are marked with icons (true/false)
vars.3dSpotting "false"
# When set, spotted targets are marked on the minimap (true/false)
vars.miniMapSpotting "false"
# Nametags on players heads? (true / false)
vars.nameTag "false"
# When set, third person vehicle cameras are enabled. (true/false)
vars.3pCam "false"
# Enables and Disables vehicles in-game (true/false)
vars.vehicleSpawnAllowed "true"
# If vehicles are enabled, sets the percentage of spawn rate (int)
vars.vehicleSpawnDelay "100"
# Maximum health in percentage (0-100 (int))
vars.soldierHealth "60"
# Player spawn time percentage (int)
vars.playerRespawnTime "100"
# Controls man-down time percentage (int)
vars.playerManDownTime "100"
# Bullet damage in percent (0-100 (int))
vars.bulletDamage "100"
# When set, players can only spawn on the squad leader (true/false)
vars.onlySquadLeaderSpawn "true"
# Spectators Slots
vars.alwaysAllowSpectators "false"
# Max Spectators (min value: 0)
vars.maxSpectators "0"
# Idle Timeout Kick (int, number of secs. 60 = 1 min)
vars.idleTimeout "300"
# Default timelimit in percentage (0-100 (int))
#vars.roundTimeLimit "0"
# Sets the duration of pre-round (In seconds. Ranked: 15-30 seconds, Unranked: 10-900)
vars.roundLockdownCountdown "15"
# End of configuration

# If you add any spectator slots, these will subtract from the number of
# player slots available for normal players
vars.maxSpectators "0"

# Enabling commanders will result in your slot count being reduced by 2 (one
# slot will be subtracted for each commander)
vars.commander "true"

Pour y accéder :
Login : 1075444
Mdp : ckekdislaapn

=> Home => config => Advanced editor

je créerais avec Klopfenstein un truc plus stable pour els entrainement du vendredi soir, suffira d'un c/c.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 01:38:08 am by Morel »